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  • The V1.12 Update in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Is Set to Release Tomorrow

    Čas: Jan. 28, 2019

    Version 1.12 update in Call Of Duty Black Ops 4 Voucher Key will be available on January 29 and will contain a large amount of content for the three general game modes: multiplayer, blackout and zombies. For multiplayer, League Play is probably the most important and expected information, which has yet to be published in Black Ops 4.

    According to Treyarch, fundamental changes have been made to the Ranked system since the announcement of its plans for League Play, as well as many important updates of the CWL rules ruleset, which will be analyzed in more detail this week.

    The other news about the multiplayer mode is that Blackjack's Gun Game will return with the new KAP 45 full-auto pistol that was just added to the game.

    As for Blackout, previously announced adjustments will be implemented through version 1.12 update in Call Of Duty Black Ops 4 Voucher Key. There is also a new limited time mode called "Ambush", which contains only sniper rifles, melee weapons and a launchers in a storm circle that will not stop collapsing after starting.

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