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  • Mali is coming to Civilization 6

    Čas: Jan. 15, 2019

    Mali is known, led by Mansa Musa - the so-called "the richest man in history" thanks to the rich gold mines that Mali has known during his reign.

    Mali's unique ability is Songs of the Jeli, which adds extra food and faith to the cities in the adjacent neighbor desert and the desert hill tiles. The mines will produce less, but much more extra gold: the video shows a mine located in a luxury resource that produces one cog but a whopping seven coins. Mali can also buy buildings in its exclusive shopping center, Suguba, with Faith. Suguba itself offers discounts on all Faith and Gold purchases made in the host city and receives large bonuses from rivers and sacred sites.

    The unique unit in Mali is the cavalry of Mandekalu in Civilization VI Steam CD Key. He replaces the Knight in the Middle Ages, wins gold through killing and protects neighboring merchant units. This means that they can not be looted if they are within the four spaces of the Mandekalu cavalry.

    At last, the leader ability of Mansa Musa is the Merchant of the Sahel, which gives him an additional trade route during the Golden Age and +1 gold per trade route for each desert tile in original city.

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