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  • Fallout 76's first patch sneaked into the invisible nerve and broke the game in new ways

    Čas: Dec. 7, 2018

    For many fans of Fallout 76 Bethesda Key EU, the recently published weekly patch plan seemed to solve the problems affecting the online multiplayer title. With the next patch for December 11, Bethesda seemed to be putting the title back on track.

    Changes in the game go beyond the announced patch notes. Users notice the secrets of the key mechanisms that seriously affect production and play.

    Unpublished stealth changes have long been controversial in games as a service. A "hidden change" is a change that is not specified or recorded in the official patch notes. Sometimes, these are simple solutions that are removed from the patch notes to improve readability, allowing players to instantly see the most important and defining things for the game.

    However, if a modification affects the game, especially if it reduces the performance or ease of use of an experience, it is considered important to include it in the patch notes so that players can adjust their game. in consecuense.

    Since the nerfs, who are exposed to the Fallout 76 community, have not been publicly announced in public patches, players gather to test their suspicions and validate them.

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